Tomytec - Tomicarama Used Car Dealer Part 1 of 2

This is Tomytec Tomicara Vintage Diorama of Used Car Dealer from Tomytec (obviously).

So without further delay, let's have a look at this item...

First, the box/packaging:

And now, out of the box - you will get all these stuff:

With the help of the manual, I started to do the assembly works - there are not that difficult but certainly you need a little bit of your time to do it.... in my case, I spend within 1 hour, no big deal, it was fun though

The office unit is quite exciting coz it has removable roof so you can see the interior;

Also, another great feature is the openable front door as below:

So far so good, I like what I see and what I get from my investment on this item. The office unit is as simple as it can be but somehow it is pretty nice and neat. I have no complain so far....

Continue to Part 2 of 2 - Click the link below:



  1. still trying templates ??? HEHEHE... hey , i love this dio !!!... the only reference i have from something similar are the Majokits by Majorette, a bit bigger i guess and the human figures are alike to those by Playmobil... this one is beautifully detailed and very realistic, i think it must be very expensive (specially after shipping and taxes, i have seen some vintage Majokits for about US$55 each one, which include 1 diecast...)

    it would look great with some JLs Muscles Cars instead of the vintage japanese vehicles HOHOHO... just kidding, it would look great with any group of cars anyway... =)


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